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aesthetic membership

Simi Doctors Logo

VIP Aesthetic Membership

Simi Doctors Aesthetics now offers
your own personal beauty savings account.
Member Benefits
$10.50/unit Botox, Dysport or Xeomin (regular $13 to $15 per unit)
Most fillers, $700 per syringe (savings up to $150 per syringe)
10% off Pure Skin M.D. products
10% off supplements
10% off laser treatments
10% of PRP (platelet rich plasma) treatments
How does it work?
Monthly minimum contribution $99/month
Want to spend it next month or let your savings accrue for a bigger service
12 month commitment required to receive these special savings
For more information, ask one of the Simi Doctors
Aesthetic staff members.


VIP Aesthetic Membership Image