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concept illustration of causes of stubborn fat

Causes of Stubborn Fat and How to Get Rid of It

You may find stubborn fat deposits in different areas of your body. It can be hard to lose stubborn fat and prevent you from reaching your goals. In some cases, even if you do a lot of exercises and follow strict diets, stubborn fat might still be a problem. Our med spa in Simi Valley can help you find the … Read more

Woman standing with good body confidence

How Body Contouring Can Boost Confidence

Your self-esteem is enhanced by a slim, confident-boosting figure. But why? And how? Many of our patients are looking to feel better about themselves both inside and out, and several of our image-changing services can help with that. Body contouring is a great way to harvest leftover fat after a major weight-loss event, helping to shape your body into the … Read more

Woman smiling with facial beauty

Benefits of Achieving Facial Beauty

Everyone has a different idea of what beauty is. And that’s a good thing! In fact, you can enjoy a huge boost to your self-esteem and inner confidence when you invest in your own beauty inside and out. If you desire to be more handsome or more beautiful, you can invest in a variety of healthy and non-surgical treatments courtesy … Read more

Woman checking her waist after weight loss and treatments.

Best Treatments for After Weight Loss

Major weight loss might seem like a long process, but when it happens suddenly, you will start to notice many different changes in your body. One of the most significant changes that our med spa in Simi Valley patients notice is that their skin becomes loose and wrinkled after a lot of sudden weight loss. This can have a negative … Read more

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